Last reviewed 11th November, 2014.
1. Duty of Care
- A Duty of Care requires us to consider that the consequences of our acts or omissions do not give rise to a foreseeable risk of injury to any other person.
- All members of Ramsey Rowing Club owe each other a duty of care.
- In addition as an organisation Ramsey Rowing Club owes a Duty of Care to members of the public we encounter through the pursuit of our activities.
- It is important that we all understand and accept our responsibilities to operate as safely as possible. Those members who act in such a way as to deliberately endanger the wellbeing of others will be in breach of their Duty of Care and may be asked to withdraw from the activities of the organisation.
- Having carried out a risk assessment of our activities, Ramsey Rowing Club has drawn up a safety code of practice. It is important that all members familiarise themselves with this code of practice and adhere to the procedures laid down.
- Please be aware that we will not be expected to be ‘expert’ in any particular field neither would we be expected to guarantee the safety of others. Specific Skills, knowledge and experience used in a reasonable manner is sufficient.
- Within our duty of care a Safety Audit will be completed annually and submitted to British Rowing.
2. Purpose
- The purpose of this policy is to provide members of the Ramsey Rowing Club with information required in order to be safe when participating in rowing activities.
- The club aims to attract a wide range of people in terms of rowing expertise and experience and to provide a sufficient level of coaching/supervision to enable enjoyment and development of individual rowers.
- These procedures and adherence to them is to protect and support all levels of the Ramsey Rowing Club from litigation. However in the event of deliberate and reckless actions causing injury to another person, negligence is likely to be cited.
- The regular monitoring and evaluation process that is part of the continually developing safety programme, will continue to help eliminate or manage the foreseeable risks and avoid negligence.
3. Policy
- All members must abide by the rules and regulations of the club.
- All members must behave sensibly whilst on or around the water.
- All rowers, when rowing on the sea, must wear British Rowing approved PFD (personal flotation devices) until they completed a swim test, received training in capsize procedures and reached a satisfactory level of competence.
- All coxswains must wear a lifejacket.
- Members may only use equipment which they are experienced enough to use as decreed by the Club Water Safety Adviser (CWSA) or member of the committee.
- All rowers and coxswains must wear sensible fitness training clothes, with sufficient layers, especially in cold weather.
- All rowers in a boat must listen and adhere to instructions given by the coxswain.
- All new members must be taught how to lift and handle the club’s boats safely.
- All rowers, prior to sculling or as soon as possible, will undertake a capsize drill.
- Rowers and coxswains must be taught how to launch and land a boat safely on the lake and in the sea.
- All new members must be taught how to get in and out of a boat correctly and are shown how to use the oar before going onto the water.
- Novice rowers must be placed in a boat with appropriate skilled rowers and an experienced cox until they are deemed experienced enough by coaches, committee members or CWSA.
- Coxswains must be trained with senior crews only until they are deemed experienced enough by coaches, CWSA or committee members. Progression must be discussed and agreed upon.
- Boats must be regularly cleaned both inside and out including the slides and seats.
- Any damage to equipment or boat maintenance required must be logged in the damages report book.
- The trailer must conform to current road safety standards.
- All new members must be taught how to tie boats onto the trailer safely.
- Junior rowers must wear British Rowing approved PFDs at all times when rowing/sculling.
- Junior rowers must use the outrigger floats on the training sculls until they have undertaken a capsize drill.
- Junior rowers can sweep row at 16
- Junior rowers must have a parent/guardian present during the rowing session.
- Junior rowers may row on the sea under supervision and in boats that are appropriate for their strength and skill level.
4. Safety Procedure and First Aid.
- The weather conditions will be assessed prior to each outing by the CWSA or designate and decision made as to where rowing will occur.
- CWSA/ Captain can exclude people from rowing if they were deemed not to be competent for the prevailing conditions.
- At each outing a responsible person will be nominated to remain on the shore to observe crews on the water. This person will ensure that the safety kit, mobile phone and binoculars are available before crews take to the water.
- There will be a first aid qualified person present at each outing.
- There must be a comprehensive fully equipped first aid kit, thermal blankets and an emergency lifeline. (see appendix i)
- The CWSA will regularly replenish the first aid kit.
- All PFD’s will be checked for wear and tear before each use.
- All PFD’s will be serviced yearly and a record kept.
- Any accident must be reported on an BR report form and must be logged with the BR.
- Any injury or health problems should be notified to the CWSA immediately.
- At each rowing location crews must observe the restrictions shown on the following pages.
At North Beach:
- No rowing further north than Dog Mills unless by agreement by CWSA or designate.
- Single sculls go no further than the Mooragh Promenade if alone.
- No rowing further south than the north jetty.
- Always remain within 100 metres of the shore.
- Look out for the outfall by the large white house, this is exposed at low tide.
On Mooragh Lake:
- Always row in a clockwise direction around the lake.
- Look out for moored boats, buoys, markers and
- Give way to pleasure boats & sailing boats (they may not be fully under control)
First Aid Kit Contents
The kit must contain:
Description | Number |
Triangular bandage | 1 |
Conforming bandage | 1 |
Large sterile un-medicated wound dressing pad | 1 |
Medium sterile un-medicated wound dressing pad | 1 |
Sterile ‘Melonin’ dressings 10cm * 10cm | 2 |
Roll micropore tape | 1 |
Assorted waterproof plasters | 20 |
Safety pins | 4 |
Pair scissors | 1 |
Alcohol-free antiseptic cleaning wipes | 4 |
The kit should also contain:
Description | Number |
‘Resusci’ face shield | 1 |
Pair large latex gloves | 1 |
Eye pad | 1 |
Eye bath | 1 |
Tube anti-septic cream | 1 |
Sterile ‘Melonin’ dressings 5cm * 5cm | 2 |
First aid leaflet | 1 |
Spare supplies |
Safety Kit Contents
The kit must contain:
Description | Number |
List of emergency phone numbers | 1 |
Throw-rope | 1 |
Thermal blankets | 4 |
Pair Binoculars | 1 |
Emergency Phone Numbers
Police/Fire/Ambulance | 999 |
Ramsey Cottage Hospital | 811800 |
Coast guard duty officer | 661664 |
Location of Phones
Nearest land line is at Mooragh Cafe.